Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Isaiah helped me figure out the videos!!! YIPPEE!!!

After dinner run to get out all the energy.

We were so excited to have a visit with Uncle Isaiah

As you can see, Zayin is a little afraid of heights. We also love Talitha.

Eating noodles with fries. Yep, well, we were just excited to be eating out.
AHHHH!!!! So cute.

It was such a great excuse to just stop everything and start partying. If you all would like to come and visit we will stop and party with you too!!!

Uncle Darin's Magic

We would like to post this picture thanking Uncle Darin and honoring him for all the nights he probibly did this years ago. We all love you!

Monday, March 3, 2008