Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Morning

Doug at about 2 pm came and said, "what am I going to do with the boys?" You know, 4 boys inside can bring everything to 'a level' ya know . . . especially when they are Indians. So, they were shooting guns in the garage, sword fighting, and now I think they finally pulled out the video games.

Pretty intense.
This pic doesn't really need a comment, does it?

In the morning Doug was mowing the lawn and Sollie stood at the door yelling "dada" until I finally bundled him up and Doug rode around with him on his lap. Exhausting. Thank you Doug for the nap . . .what a great man, but you all knew that.

1 comment:

Coleson & Tate said...

Your boys are so fun! Youre such a great mom!